21 December 2021
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for standing by us during these most challenging of times. Despite Uganda having the longest school closures of any nation during the pandemic, we have been able to offer the schools and orphanages continued support. This has only been possible because we have had you beside us all the way.
We provided fruit and vegetable seeds and saplings, teaching the children and staff good agricultural practices as we went.
Fresh produce will now be ready for lunches at the reopening of schools in January.
Regular meetings, staff training for all schools with our Jinja team, supported by the UK teachers, has ensured we are well prepared, motivated and ready to welcome the children back. Despite the schools being closed for over 18 months we have been very busy making sure the schools are improved, well maintained and offering inviting safe learning spaces for all.
With generous support we were able to install solar power in Twinkle school and get the resource centre online! This will enable the schools to access online learning and ensure the children are not reliant on daylight to learn.
The future of JET is exciting we have plans ready to rebuild the Twinkle nursery. The children, staff and community have all been consulted and,once funds allow, we will be ready to build a purpose built nursery on the main Twinkle site so the whole school will be together at last.
It has been very hard work but the team have managed to keep the school communities engaged and excited about the future. With regular meetings, training, food and welfare aid the schools and orphanages have been reassured and comforted by our steadfast presence.
Although we said a sad farewell and huge thank you to Nelly who left to join her husband in Canada. She will be greatly missed but with Ezra, Lorna and Teacher T to carry on the good work we are in very safe hands. We are thrilled to welcome Dan, who is a teacher of science and agriculture, and who has already made a huge impact on the preparations to get the schools ready for the new year.
All giving the communities a boost and letting them know they are not forgotten, even when the schools are closed.
As with so many others we have been unable to hold our usual bi-annual dinner as we would have done last year. Coupled with the need to offer food support and extra teacher training, this has meant that funds are a bit more stretched than usual.
With this in mind could I please ask you if you would consider making a small donation to help us cover the extra Christmas costs.
The orphanges have requested new blankets, second-hand school backpacks and shoes. All the things we would have probably taken over in normal times, but we can buy locally. For example:
£20 would buy a blanket, backpack and shoes for a child £50 would buy some extra Christmas food for the orphanages.
We all wish you the very best for the festive season and may 2022 be a wonderful, healthy and happy year for all.
Thank you all so much from all the children and us at JET.
Please hold the date of Wednesday 15th June in your diaries, as we hope to hold a dinner in London to update you all in person.
If you are able to help our bank details are:
Barclays sort code: 20 13 34
Account: 63396312
Or Just Giving: www.justgiving.com/jinjaeducationaltrust